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Update on the latest COVID regulations

Read on to find out how CrossFit Ninja’s is going to handle the upcoming changes in the COVID regulations.

No class
no problem

Read on to find out how CrossFit Ninja’s is going to handle the upcoming changes in the COVID regulations.

COVID-19 update

As of now you’re all aware of the fact that we’re not allowed to give any group classes anymore, by order of the Dutch government. However, luckily, we don’t have to close our doors (again) because we’re still allowed to stay open for individual training sessions. 

Like always, we try to limit big changes as much as possible. And remember, the ‘no class policy’ will only be applied for the coming two weeks. Here’s how we are going to handle it:

  • The WOD schedule is not going to change. 
  • We will provide taped out squares, where you can find all the gear you need in place. You will remain in your square during your training.
  • The coach will no longer lead the ‘class’, as there is no class. However, the coach will still be present to individually que and coach you during the training session.
  • The intro class will continue in the form of PT sessions. No reason not to start.
  • The clock will be pre-set, and you’re going to have set blocks of time for your warm-up, mobility, workout, etc.
  • The full lesson plan will be communicated through the app. This means everything you need from the warm-up, mobility, skill, wod, etc will be posted there. 
  • Please keep in mind that we still have to stick to the cap of maximum of 30 people inside the building, including coaches. 
  • Please keep in mind that coming early and staying long after the WOD is a no-go. Please be in time for the class though. 
  • The open gym is going to continue to function as it was before. If you’re not subscribed, you have no reason to be there.
  • The changing rooms and showers are still not available for use. 
  • As always, wash your hands before and after the workout.
  • And last but not least, please keep 1,5m distance to all people when you’re in the gym. 

We know this list is pretty long, but we just want to make sure it’s clear for everyone. We’re really happy we can still offer you a place to train, one way or the other. Stay fit and see you all soon!

CrossFit Ninja's Den Haag

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Meld je dan aan voor de CrossFit introductiecursus.
Voor eenmalig € 50 krijg je 5 trainingen
waarin wij je alles leren over CrossFit.
