
Patrick Pabouet

Patrick Pabouet

“Work hard on yourself, don’t be hard on yourself.”

Patrick Pabouet

Remedial Massage ( Sports Massage plus Fascial Therapy)

My name is Patrick Pabouet. Originally, I am from Boston, MA in the USA and have lived in The Hague for nearly 5 years. I started my journey working with the body 10 years ago as I worked in chiropractic clinics in America and in Panama. But my real exploration began when I moved to Holland and started using my body differently and increasing my physical abilities in ways I never dreamed. 

I have studied the works of Thomas Myers of Anatomy Trains and use his philosophy to work with the lines of fascia connective tissue within the body. I graduated from ProActive Academy in the UK with my Sports Massage degree in 2019 and have since continued my education by studying various modalities including courses;  Decompression Cupping, Graston Technique, Lymphatic Drainage, Relaxation Massage and Corrective Exercise. I am currently in pursuit of my Masters in Chiropractic  and will start my Practical Internship in Winter 2022.

I have a passion for helping others find more potential in their bodies and their lives and I look forward to helping others achieve more from their lives for many years to come!

Book your remedial massage with Patrick via the online agenda. Select where and when you would like your appointment.

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