newsletter Nieuwsberichten

Move your staches, Xmas is coming!

Thank you for making the community what it is, I know we’ve said it before but we’ll say it again for those in the back, YOU’RE AMAZING. Without you we would be a group of slightly strange coaches but together we’re a big group of very strange Ninja’s.

Move your staches, Xmas is coming!

Thank you for making the community what it is, I know we’ve said it before but we’ll say it again for those in the back, YOU’RE AMAZING. Without you we would be a group of slightly strange coaches but together we’re a big group of very strange Ninja’s.

QR Codes

As you probably know already, the Corona measures are being increased.
From Saturday onwards, we must check everyone’s QR code.
In our mission to get you off the couch and into the gym, we feel this measure is an extra threshold since it is simply not realistic to get tested every time you want to go to the gym.
Therefore, we’d like to invite the members without a valid QR code for a chat about how we can accommodate you in your fitness journey.
We respect everyone’s personal motivation to get vaccinated or not and we do not want to exclude anybody. Everybody has the right to work on their health.
This meeting is scheduled for this tomorrow at 17:30. (Thursday 04-11-2021)
In short:
– We are obliged to check your QR code.
– We will not deny anybody their gains.
– Come talk to us on Thursday 17:30 in the member’s lounge.

You are appreciated

Thank you for making the community what it is, I know we’ve said it before but we’ll say it again for those in the back, YOU’RE AMAZING. Without you we would be a group of slightly strange coaches but together we’re a big group of very strange Ninja’s.

From big to small names, you’ve brought an extra pop of colour and character to the box. If you haven’t signed yet, get ready to climb the mighty ladder and claim your spot on the wall. You’ve got till Sunday 7th November.

Barbell Slammin’ Saturday
PR… PR… and even more PRs. So many of you crushed the weightlifting event, the energy and support was exhilarating. Missed out on getting a PR? You can test your 1RM Clean & Jerk in next weeks OLY classes.

Several halloween teams rose from their graves on a Sunday morning to smash some pumpkins and squat like zombies.

It’s Time For a Feast

The holiday season is around the corner and the Christmas Dinner is making its comeback. Yes, you read that correctly, the infamous celebration is taking place Saturday 18th December. Get ready to get a big jiggling belly.

More Christmas dinner details will be coming shortly. Keep your eyes peeled for posters hung around the box.

Franks Stash

No Shave November, AKA Movember.

Being a real crybaby himself, Frank calls for awareness on men’s mental health.
As he puts it: “Boys are told not to cry, men can’t handle their emotions”
Dealing with your emotions is hard, but very necessary for mental health. The idea that men are not supposed to cry can ultimately lead to a higher suicide rate amongst even the mightiest of men.
So, every time you see your coach and ridicule his dirty stache, please remember the cause.
We’ve got a live movember page where you can donate your hard earned savings.

Pumps & PRs – Cycle Three, The Grand Finale

New week, new month and new max attempts. We’ve started the final three weeks of our strength cycle…
3 more weeks of loading that bar using the Wendler system and boy oh boy does that system work. After the loading phase, we need to take some stress off the body with a deload week.
No need to worry about your gainzz, we’ll still be pumping some iron.
Last but not least, the 1 RM testing week.
Be patient, finish the cycle and double crush your old Personal Records.
You may want to add an extra scoop of protein to your breakfast though, or lunch, or both 😉

Start nu met CrossFit

Wil je starten met CrossFit in Den Haag?
Meld je dan aan voor de CrossFit introductiecursus.
Voor eenmalig € 50 krijg je 4 trainingen
waarin wij je alles leren over CrossFit.
