newsletter Nieuwsberichten

Summer is coming *

As we’re heading into June, the gym is open, and life is slowly getting back to normal. This newsletter is jam-packed with all kinds of goodness for the upcoming month. Read on and find out!

Summer is coming *

As we’re heading into June, the gym is open, and life is slowly getting back to normal. This newsletter is jam-packed with all kinds of goodness for the upcoming month. Read on and find out!

Ramping up: more WOD’s, more freedom

We’re more than stoked to tell you that from the 5th of June, we’re slowly but surely going back to business as usual. This means:

Locker rooms and showers will be available for use again.
– We can go back to a regular class set-up, without the use of the squares.
– Max people cap inside is increased to 50, which means you can actually hang around for a little bit after the WOD.

Remember, with all of the above, we still expect you to stick to the basic rules.

Keep a safe 1,5m distance to everyone at the box.
Wash your hands before and after the WOD.
– If you’re experiencing any COVID related symptoms, stay at home and get tested.

As more people are gradually coming in to train again, we’ve noticed the increasing pressure on the schedule. Trust us when we say we’re doing what we can to provide you with as many training slots as possible. From next week, we’ll progressively transfer the box into it’s former glory. In due time, this will also mean we’re bringing back the OLY and Strength classes. We’ll keep you posted.

Some changes are already in effect this week, as you’ve probably already seen in the Ninja App. Check it out:

Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays we’ll also have a WOD at 2015h. The gym will close at 2130 on these evenings. These changes will be in effect from the 1st of June.

Come in and lift some weights with us!

OLY Weightlifting

Hi Coach!

Last month we announced that coach Ruben was going to leave the team. Well, you guessed it right, he’s going to stick around. The situation around his new job developed in unprecedented ways and he’s made the decision to stay at CrossFit Ninja’s. Welcome back coach!

Ruben Stapel

Are you hungry?

Nanne knows why! Are you wondering why you’re sometimes hungry and sometimes you’re not? Or do you want to know how to feel fulfilled longer? These and other questions will be answered in Nanne’s first blog post you can read here: De psychologie achter voeding.

Go check it out. If you have any questions regarding the topics in the blogpost, you can ask Nanne when you see her at the box or send her an email at

Nanne knows best!

Nanne knows Best!

Waiting list

As mentioned above, as the pressure on the schedule is increasing, the waiting lists are getting longer and longer. Besides stimulating a fair use policy concerning sign-up behaviour, we also want to make the process of going from the waiting list to the WOD more easier. These changes are effective immediately:

Up to 60m before the workout, you will be added from the waiting list to the WOD automatically and this will be done by order of subscription on the waiting list. So if you’re the first on the waiting list, you’ll be the first to be added to the WOD if there is a free spot.

Within 60m before the workout, everyone on the waiting list will get a notification if there is a free spot. This is the ‘first come, first serve system’ you are used to.

– Being on the waiting list is no longer ‘free’, but will cost you a credit. This will prevent the waiting lists from being overfull and make it more likely you’ll find a spot to train.

We hope this reduces stress and makes it easier for you to train at CrossFit Ninja’s. Hope to see you all soon!

Rich & Dan Challenge

We’d like to congratulate Arjan Veldhuizen and Niels den Ouden with winning the Rich & Dan Challenge in the RX category. Come in and collect your bottle of champagne!

FEN Giveaway

Congratulations to Senne Braun for winning the giveaway by FEN! Senne won a weighted vest, so he can do his next Murph RX! We’ll contact you about the details.

Bring a Friend
in June

Missed the previous chance to introduce your family, friends or colleagues to CrossFit? We have another opportunity for you: the 21st of June at 2015h. If you and your buddy want to join, send us an email and we’ll hook you up. See you then!

Start CrossFit now

Do you want to start CrossFit in The Hague?
Sign up for the CrossFit introduction course
For a one-off 50€ fee you get 5 training sessions
where we teach you everything about CrossFit
