Open Gym

CrossFit Open Gym ideal if you are following your own training program

Explore our Open Gym

Looking to develop your CrossFit or weightlifting skills outside of the class environment? Our spacious Open Gym facility in The Hague, ideal to follow your own programming or work on skills out of a WOD.

What we have to offer?


Improving your conditioning.
What we offer: rowers, air bikes, echo bike, bike erg & ski erg.


In our spacious Open Gym you’ve have access to the rig, rings, ropes (including the long 4 meter rope) and space to perform HSPUs.

Teo Knight - CrossFit Coach

Taking functional strength to the next level with sleds, yokes, sandbags & farmers’ walk handles.

CrossFit Open Gym platforms. Train independently in our facility in The Hague

4 weightlifting platforms, jerk blocks & a reverse hyper to perfect your Olympic Weightlifting technique.

When can I use the Open Gym?

The Open Gym is available to use throughout all our opening hours. Being separated from the WOD area gives you the flexibility to train when in suits you.

What membership best suits Open Gym?

All of our memberships include unlimited access to the Open Gym. If joining group classes doesn’t interest you, we’d recommend our Bronze Membership, find out more about it here.

We’d be excited to welcome you to the Ninja community.
