newsletter Nieuwsberichten

Dropping temperatures and dropping barbells in October! 🍁

October brings us leaves, rain and cold. That doesn’t matter, because we know you stop at nothing to get to the gym. And we admire and appreciate that. We’ve got some fun stuff coming up in October. Read on and find out!

Dropping temperatures and dropping barbells in October! 🍁

October brings us leaves, rain and cold. That doesn’t matter, because we know you stop at nothing to get to the gym. And we admire and appreciate that. We’ve got some fun stuff coming up in October. Read on and find out!

You are appreciated

Let’s start off with the juicy stuff: the member appreciation week. The past 1,5 years have been rough on everybody, for multiple reasons. As ‘life as we used to know’ is slowly but surely returning, we are still standing and groing back stronger. Thanks to you.

Besides that, we’re truly amazed by the grit and perseverance you show in your fitness journey. So many you have returned and are working hard on their fitness and health again. Or maybe you just started on your fitness journey and make the conscious effort to show up at the gym every week. Ninja’s come in many shapes and forms, with many different stories. We just want you to know you are appreciated, so much.

As a token of our appreciation, from the 25th of October until the 31st of October we’re organizing awesome stuff. Check out the schedule below:

  • Monday the 25th – Pumpkin Carving! Carve away before or after your WOD!
  • Tuesday the 26th – Ninja photo booth and ginger shots! From 0700h until 1300h. Free protein shakes from 1600 until 2015h!
  • Wednesday the 27th – Free protein shakes from 0700h until 1300h! Ninja photo booth and ginger shots! From 1600h tot 2015h.
  • Thursday the 28th – Free drink post-WOD!
  • Friday the 29th – Pizza and movie night! – starting at 1900h
  • Saturday the 30th – Freestyle lift-off! Max snatch and clean and jerk free for all. No weigh-in, judges or competition, just lifting fun! We finish the meet with some drinks. Starting at 1200h. For more details, check the posters in the gym!
  • Sunday the 31st – Halloween buddy WOD with best costume competition!

If this doesn’t get you absolutely stoked, we don’t know what will. If you want to join the Pumpkin Carving, Movie Night or the Lift-off, please sign up for the event through the app.

We hope to see as many as you as possible during the appreciation week!

Coaches shuffle

We have good news and bad news. Let’s start with the bad news first: Coach Ruben is leaving the team. And yes, this time it’s for real. No encore, the curtain falls. We wish him all the best on his new adventure. To give him a proper farewell, we’re organizing a goodbye coach Ruben WOD the 30th of October. It will have some of his favorite movements, so you better buckle up!

We promised you we would have some good news as well. A mere mortal leaves the team, only to be replaced by a Greek god. Coach Vasilis has come down from mount Olympus to give you a divine coaching experience. All jokes aside, Coach Vasilis is a very nice, fit and driven guy ready to give you all the tips and tricks. Give him a warm welcome!

And the good news just keeps on coming. Coming month we’ll see the return of some familiar faces. Coach Teo is returning from Sweden after a good season of raiding and American Football. We can’t wait to have you back Teo!

You all know we’re about saving the best for last: the last new addition to the team is ‘one of our own’. Give a warm welcome to coach Samantha! We’re equally glad and proud that one of our members has become a fitness-professional.

The team is refreshed, revitalised and definitely looking forward to provide you with some premium coaching. Let’s get at it!

Hooray! From lockdown to lockers

As we’ve mentioned before, it takes some time get used to the life we knew before COVID happened. While we’re not completely there yet, things are getting back to business as usual. Because of this, we want to encourage you to use the changing room and lockers as much as possible. Keeps your stuff safe and organized and it declutters the gym. That a win-win right there!


It’s not everyday we encourage you to attend an event organized by one of our competitors, but for us this event is important enough to make an exception.

On the 16th of October at 1430h CrossFit Scheveningen is organizing ‘Loud and Proud’, an event to bring the crossfitting LHBTIQ+ community of the Hague and surroundings together to have a nice work-out and a good time.

This particular event is important to us, because it emphasises that CrossFit is for everybody. As a company and as a community, we’re encouraging and supporting inclusiveness and diversity.

More details on the event will follow soon, keep an eye on the social media channels of CrossFit Scheveningen.

Did you know…?

We have some pretty serious competitors in the box? There are a lot of Ninja’s training for a competition, some do so in silence. We want to ask you to speak up to your fellow Ninja’s and coaches. We want to support you during the process and on the competition day!

Competing in CrossFit can be a great experience and your friends, training partners and community are an essential part of the journey.

Now that COVID situation is becoming more controlled, the competition floor is also slowly but surely opening up again. Some nice competitions that are coming up are:

  • The Arena Throwdown 2022
  • The Amsterdam Throwdown
  • The Battle of the North – Squad and Duo edition

Check it out and sign up if you dare. And remember, we’re there to help!

Hank knows best

After 3 heavy loading weeks, we’re now almost done with the deload week. Deload week is important to prevent injuries, get your recovery on par and prepare for the next cycle. Deload can be done after 3 or 6 weeks. So if you didn’t deload this week, make sure to do it after the next cycle.

Our next cycle starts Monday with deadlifts, based of the same 1RepMax weights as the previous cycle. The concept of this program is simple, we add 5 kg to our back squat and deadlift sets and 2,5 kg to our shoulder press and bench press sets every new cycle. We’ll also be re-doing some great combo’s like Push press + Pull ups. Try to add a little weight to these familiar combinations every time you come face to face with ‘m.
We will test our new 1RM’s after the 3rd cycle, be patient and prepare for a PR fest.

With the 5-3-1 app you don’t have to do any math, so we highly recommend the use of this tracker. Concerning mobility and accessory work: do it now or do it twice as much when you get injured.
We know it sometimes hard to fit your training in your schedule, but please reserve some extra time after class work on your joint health.

You’re becoming one strong bunch of Ninja’s! Keep it up!

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where we teach you everything about CrossFit
