CrossFit Ninja’s

Start your CrossFit journey today!

Do you want to improve your fitness? Sign up for trial class and work up a sweat in our classes led by a coach. Join us to explore our location, meet our community and see the benefits of CrossFit.

Interested in participating in a WOD, Olympic Weightlifting, Strongman, Powerbuilding, Gymnastics, Endurance or training in our Open Gym? We have created several options to best suit your needs. Check them out below.

A single drop in for a group class costs €17.50 and can be booked any day or time of the week. Each group class lasts one hour and is led by one or two of our coaches.

Training independently? Then the Open Gym drop-in of €10 is the most suitable for you. Discover our Open Gym to prepare for your session.

Interested in becoming a member? We offerbronze, gold, platinum and diamond) memberships. Bonus for the memberships – unlimited open gym.

Staying in The Hague for a longer period of time? We are happy to welcome you in our gym during your visit. Continue your daily training routine at our location on Mercuriusweg.

We provide a week- pass, month- pass and 10 credit punch cards for those interested in participating in more than one class. These options give you access to all our 90-minute classes and Open Gym sessions.

Any other questions? Contact us and we will help you get started




BRONZE, 1 class per week€ 74,50/ month
GOLD, 2 classes per week€ 91/ month
PLATINUM, 5 classes per week€ 113/ month
DIAMOND, 7 classes per week € 130/ month
Punch Card, 10 classes€ 162,50
Punch Card monthly (20 classes)€ 132,50/ month
Punch Card weekly (4 classes)€ 42,50/ week
CrossFit Kids &TEENS: 3-15 years (1 class per week)€ 30/ month
CrossFit Kids &TEENS 3-15 years (2 classes per week)€ 54/ month
Kids/Teens Punchcard, 10 Classes€ 102,50
Personal Training (1 session)€ 70/ hour
Personal Training (5 sessions)€ 65/ hour
Personal Training (10 sessions)€ 60/ hour
Personal Training (20 sessions)€ 55/ hour
* Personal Training packages need to be paid in full payment at once.

Workout of the Day (2024-05-09)

09052024 M prep
Warm up 3 Rounds of: 10 scapular push ups 10 tempo ring rows 15 tempo air squats, focusing on full range of motion for everyone 15 hollow rocks into 2 Rounds of:** OR coach's choice of 5 exercises for running High knee kicks Heel kicks Carioca Bounding jumps Hops Workout prep: Go through scaling options 10 Rounds of: 6 pull ups 12 push ups 18 air squats 200m run
