
What is the cost of CrossFit?


We offer these types of memberships

BRONZE, 1 class per week€ 74,50/ month
GOLD, 2 classes per week€ 91/ month
PLATINUM, 5 classes per week€ 113/ month
DIAMOND, 7 classes per week € 130/ month
Punch Card, 10 classes€ 162,50
Punch Card monthly (20 classes)€ 132,50/ month
Punch Card weekly (4 classes)€ 42,50/ week
CrossFit Kids &TEENS: 3-15 years (1 class per week)€ 30/ month
CrossFit Kids &TEENS 3-15 years (2 classes per week)€ 54/ month
Kids/Teens Punchcard, 10 Classes€ 102,50
Personal Training (1 session)€ 70/ hour
Personal Training (5 sessions)€ 65/ hour
Personal Training (10 sessions)€ 60/ hour
Personal Training (20 sessions)€ 55/ hour
* Personal Training packages need to be paid in full payment at once.


  • The subscriptions have a minimum contract term of 3 months.
  • After the first 3 months, the subscription can be canceled monthly, with a notice period of one calendar month.
  • Each training must be registered online in advance in order to participate.

Start your CrossFit journey now

Do you want to improve your fitness?
Sign up for a trial lesson and work up a sweat in our lessons under the guidance of a coach.
Join us to explore our location, meet our community and see the benefits of CrossFit.
