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Kyra Bisslik

CrossFit trainer, Weightlifting coach


Sports has always had a big influence on me growing up (on Aruba). It has taught me things I wouldn’t have otherwise learned about people or the capabilities of the human body, and that is something that will forever be ongoing. I started young with sports like Taekwondo, Competitive Swimming and Bodyboarding, which required a lot of discipline and training. I also dabbled in track and field, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and other sports in high school.

Everyone, including myself, has their demons (struggles) in life. CrossFit has helped me through a lot. It has brought more balance in my life, both in private as in work.
No matter what your goal is in life, from improved health to weight loss to better performance (first pull-up or explosiveness in the snatch), CrossFit can help you.

The only thing expected from you is showing up consistently and trusting to process. Seeing results will make you stay the course. As for me, I find joy watching people step out of their comfort zone and become better, faster and stronger. Maybe you’ll be as mesmerized by this sport as I was when I started. There’s a reason I became a coach. You won’t be alone on this journey. I’ve met some incredible people along the way, you might too.

Misschien handig om te weten, ik spreek ook gewoon Nederlands.


CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
CrossFit Gymnastics Course
CrossFit Online Judges Course
CrossFit Online Scaling Course
Eleiko Strength and Conditioning Level 1 (Olympic Weightlifting)
Reanimation + AED Certificate